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Trigger owners
Premsanth Rajamani avatar
Written by Premsanth Rajamani
Updated over a week ago

Intent of the article:

This article explains Trigger owners.

Trigger owners:

Creating triggers by including owners will help you organize them better. Salesgear has the option for you to mention a trigger’s owner while creating it.

The trigger owner field has the following options for you to choose from -

  • Shared - when you choose ‘shared’, the triggers & actions involving sequences, will display only the shared sequences.

  • List of your teammates - when you set a particular teammate of yours, then the triggers & actions involving sequences, will display shared sequences and the ones that are owned by the teammate you chose. You can edit the trigger’s owner in this case as well. But here, additionally, you will be prompted for confirmation with the message:

“Are you sure you want to change the trigger owner? This will reset the sequence-related conditions and actions.”

You can choose ‘ok’ to change the trigger owner or ‘cancel’ if you don’t want to change.

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